
A new era of excellence in education was heralded with the establishment of NCPER the year 2007. The objective of the college is to promote and develop technical education and to provide training to its students as per the latest market / industry trends / skills and prepare them to face the challenges ahead. To support the goals and objectives of the college the NCPER LIBRARY was started in the same year i.e. 2007. The centralized library follows an open access system right from its inception. It provides study and research facilities to the students, research scholars and faculty members of college.

Under Graduate Courses:
S.No Particulars Library Facility Available as on Date
1 No of Title of the books 689
2 No of Volumes of the books 1024
3 No of journals:
National 22
International 33
4 Seating capacity 250
5 Multimedia PCs 10
6 Reprographic facility Available

COLLECTION:The present collection of library is 6100 books with over 1200 titles it also has collection of over 50CD’s and Audio-visual lessons.

The College Library System consists of a Central Library, which collectively support the teaching, research and extension programmes of the Institute. All students, faculty members and employees of the Institute are entitled to make use of the Library facilities on taking library membership. The Library, besides having a huge collection of books on Pharmacy, science and humanities, offers library services through its various divisions.

Library Working Hours

Monday - Saturday : 9.00 AM - 6.00 PM

Circulation Section : 9.30 AM - 4.30 PM