Campus Life

Brief Info Regarding The Campus Life

A pleasant atmosphere surrounded with lots of greenery makes everyone to be peaceful and concentrate on learning every concept practically. The vast area of the college is divided for college as well as open area which makes students to not only get the excellent education but also to enjoy playing games.

In-campus residence

The best residential facility will be offered to students within the campus with a hygiene environment and good amenities in wholesome.

Interactive and Responsive

Every student will be connected to each other contributing to a progressive ambience. Responsiveness is the key strength to individual and college development.

Sports and Recreation

Besides education, extracurriculars are given a parallel precedence. These include sports, cultural events and recreational activities. A full swing dynamism is a sure instillation for every student on campus.


The in-house facilities include a world-class air-conditioned auditorium with a seating capacity of 300. The hallmark of this structure is its interior design and Amphi sound system.


Institute has central library with book bank facility. Therenare a wide range of books, periodicals, journals, theses, microfilms and CDs available.


The Fitness Centre is available in campus and provides everything you need to get in shape and reach that fitness level you always wanted to attain. Qualified trainers are appointed to guide students in building up a healthy body and healthy mind.


The College has a well-maintained Medicinal Plant Garden. It has hundreds of different varieties of medicinal plants tagged with their biological nomenclature. The medicinal plants garden is unique in that almost every one of the species of plants and herb with a long history of use in folk tradition.


Hostel for girls with proper security arrangement is situated in college campus. It is well furnished and having reading rooms, indoor canteen facility, TV room, Gym & sports facilities for recreation which provides the homely atmosphere to the students.